Meditation. It sounds so serious, even intimidating.
Biet Simkin knows that making your way in the modern world with a meditative practice isn’t easy. Drawing on her wisdom from thirty years of spiritual study, as well as a hard-fought journey through addiction and personal tragedy, Biet shows how to move from meltdowns to miracles on the road to enlightenment. Don’t Just Sit There! guides you to dive into meditation by teaching you to find peace in the midst of a fast-paced life.
With insights on 44 laws of human experience, this concise guidebook offers practical exercises and tools designed to help you become a modern meditator. Clear. Simple. Funny. Think of it as enlightenment for the rest of us.
From the Law of Conscious Suffering to the Law of Desire, experienced and novice meditators alike will benefit from Biet’s frank, freeing advice on the not-so-peaceful side of achieving peace. As you confront the disruptive quality of meditation, you will deepen your inner life, live above these 44 laws, and find bliss along the way.

Move towards health and harmony with Biet's signature breathing practices.
Take charge of your breath and your life with 30 techniques that both aid everyday hardships - such as stress, difficulty sleeping and low energy - and encourage you to explore further into your mind, emotions and memories.
These breathwork practices support a range of needs and situations, from breathing techniques you can try anywhere, anytime to longer more advanced practices.
With this card deck you can enhance your wellness as you learn how to relax, destress, harness your sexual energy and boost your happiness through the power of breath.
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